Friday, November 30, 2018

The BIG 30

This is how much you should have saved by age 30: How to catch up

On top of having a decent nest egg saving by the time of age 30 one should also have a good emergency fund. This emergency fund is all depended on the persons circumstances. However strive for 3 to 6months for married people, and 6 to 12 months for single people.
If you have to choose between funding your retirement nest egg or funding your emergency fund, you should choose to fund the retirement account in a Roth IRA. The reason for this is because of the compounding interest is a powerful thing.Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe." (Albert Einstein). The more that is in the account to compound the interest the better. Also the sooner the better. The reason why a Roth IRA is good just in case one does not have a fully founded emergency fund is because the principle with in the account can be with drawn without any penalties. This is not recommended however. 

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